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Statements of Economic Interest Due March 30

The State Ethics Commission’s required Statement of Economic Interests forms aim for transparency on any potential personal benefit that a public position could create. 

Officials must use the forms to report their income as well as any economic interest in real, personal or business property. “Economic interests,” in this context, are any transaction, such as a sale, lease or contract in which the official gains an economic benefit of at least $50. 

What is an economic interest? For the purposes of the SEI, the Ethics Reform Act, found at SC Code Section 8-13-100(11)(a) defines an economic interest as “an interest distinct from that of the general public in a purchase, sale, lease, contract, option, or other transaction or arrangement involving property or services in which a public official, public member, or public employee may gain an economic benefit” in an amount of $50 or more.

SEI forms are due by electronic filing by noon on March 30. Find the form and other guidance information online. Once the forms become overdue, fines for not filing them can start increasing daily until they hit maximum amounts.